BBC Gladiator Nitro在“星期天早午餐”上引发了争议, BBC Gladiator Nitro sparked controversy on "Sunday Brunch" in full costume, dividing viewer opinions.
来自 BBC 游戏秀“角斗士”的角斗士 Nitro 身着全套服装出现在第 4 频道的“周日早午餐”中,包括油腻的皮肤,引发了观众的不同反应。 Gladiator Nitro from the BBC's gameshow "Gladiators" appeared on Channel 4's "Sunday Brunch" in full costume, including oiled skin, sparking mixed reactions from viewers. 有些人认为它分散了注意力,不适合上午的节目,另一些人则赞扬他的献身精神。 Some found it distracting and inappropriate for the morning show, while others praised his dedication. 这次露面引发了关于角斗士是否需要在所有表演中都穿着他们的制服的问题。 The appearance raised questions about whether Gladiators are required to wear their uniform for all show appearances.