以野生游泳和自然行走为特色的两个苏格兰健康务虚会被点名为英国最善于恢复活力的单位之一。 Two Scottish wellness retreats, featuring wild swimming and nature walks, are named among the UK's best for rejuvenation.
《卫报》强调,苏格兰的两家健康疗养胜地是英国最适合恢复活力的疗养胜地之一。 The Guardian has highlighted two Scottish wellness retreats as among the UK's best for rejuvenation. 由Sophie Hellyer率领的Ayrshire野生游泳周末, 结合了沿海散步、瑜伽和冷水游泳。 A wild swimming weekend in Ayrshire, led by Sophie Hellyer, combines coastal walks, yoga, and cold-water swimming. 在高地,野生根源指导提供基于自然的正念,指导散步,,在Loch Ossian青年旅舍住宿. In the Highlands, Wild Roots Guiding offers nature-based mindfulness, guided walking, and yoga, with accommodation at Loch Ossian Youth Hostel. 两次务虚会都强调户外活动,目的是提供令人振奋的逃脱机会。 Both retreats emphasize outdoor activities and aim to provide a refreshing escape.