泰特斯·韦利弗 (Titus Welliver) 和胡安尼·费利斯 (Juani Feliz) 将出演具有新故事情节的潜在“均衡器”衍生剧。 Titus Welliver and Juani Feliz are set to star in a potential "Equalizer" spinoff with new storylines.
泰特斯·韦利弗 (Titus Welliver) 和胡安尼·费利斯 (Juani Feliz) 将领导《均衡器》的潜在衍生剧。 Titus Welliver and Juani Feliz are set to lead a potential spinoff of "The Equalizer." 新的系列,如果被捡起来,将探索新的故事线,让演员扮演不同于原系列的角色。 The new series, if picked up, will explore new storylines with the actors taking on roles distinct from the original series. 有关他们角色的细节尚未披露,但该试点正在开发之中,有可能延续专营公司的行动和戏剧传统。 Details about their characters are not yet revealed, but the pilot is in development to potentially continue the franchise's legacy of action and drama.