Staffordshire和Worcestershire Canal 命名英格兰2025年最有风景的人工水道。 Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal named England's most scenic artificial waterway in 2025.
Staffordshire和Worcestershire运河被命名为英格兰最优美的人工水道,在英国名列第二,被Roam和Roost Canal Hour 假日排名第二。 The Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal has been named England's most scenic artificial waterway, ranked second in the UK by Roam and Roost Canal Boat Holiday. 作为詹姆斯·布林德利的"大十字路口"的一部分,该运河将塞弗恩河与特伦特和默西运河连接起来,提供风景优美和历史意义. Part of James Brindley's "Grand Cross," the canal links the River Severn to the Trent & Mersey Canal, offering scenic landscapes and historic significance. 根据用户的评分,它得到了5.32的“优异评分”,成为运河爱好者的一个亮点。 It received a 'scenic rating' of 5.32, based on user ratings, making it a highlight for canal enthusiasts.