Schwab的股票看到分析师观点混杂、Q3收入强劲、内部销售和对冲基金调整。 Schwab's stock sees mixed analyst views, strong Q3 earnings, insider sales, and hedge fund adjustments.
分析家对Charles Schwab的股票评分有好有坏,有些人建议“销售”,另一些人则建议“购买”,平均目标价格为81.41美元。 Charles Schwab's stock has mixed ratings from analysts, with some recommending a "sell" and others a "buy," with an average target price of $81.41. 该公司报告的Q3收入比预期的要好,每股0.77美元,收入48.5亿美元。 The company reported a better-than-expected Q3 earnings of $0.77 per share and revenue of $4.85 billion. 内部人最近出售了股票,对冲基金调整了自己的头寸,持有量有所增加。 Insiders have sold shares recently, and hedge funds have adjusted their positions, with some increasing holdings.