哈利王子对家庭和解的希望,尽管在以有争议的主张发布回忆录后保持沉默。 Prince Harry hopes for family reconciliation despite silence after releasing memoir with controversial claims.
Harry王子在发表他的回忆录“Spare”之后,表示希望与家人和解,该回忆录中包括针对他们的爆炸性索赔。 Prince Harry expressed hope for reconciliation with his family after the release of his memoir "Spare," which included explosive claims against them. 尽管没有收到包括威廉王子和查尔斯国王在内的家人的任何来函,但在家庭活动中,Harry被短暂地看到与家人在一起。 Despite not receiving any communication from his family, including Prince William and King Charles, Harry was seen briefly with them at family events. 缺乏联系的悲伤 哈利,他曾经希望 得到他的亲属的回应。 The lack of contact saddened Harry, who had hoped for a response from his relatives.