巴基斯坦科学家Aafia Siddiqui请求拜登赦免, 声称FBI特工攻击案中无罪。 Pakistani scientist Aafia Siddiqui seeks pardon from Biden, claiming innocence in FBI agent attack case.
巴基斯坦神经科学家Aafia Siddiqui因试图谋杀一名FBI特工而入狱86年, 正在寻求离任美国总统Joe Biden的总统赦免。 Pakistani neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui, jailed for 86 years for attempting to murder an FBI agent, is seeking a presidential pardon from outgoing US President Joe Biden. Siddiqui声称自己无罪, 她的律师Clive Stafford Smith(Clive Stafford Smith)提交了长篇档案, Siddiqui claims innocence and her lawyer, Clive Stafford Smith, has submitted a lengthy dossier arguing her case was a "miscarriage of justice." 她的家人声称她被错误地绑架和施以酷刑。 Her family claims she was wrongfully abducted and tortured. 中央情报局举报人John Kiriakou承认她“向恐怖分子表示同情”,但否认酷刑。 CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou acknowledges her "terrorist sympathies" but denies torture. 美国司法部没有作出评论。 The US Department of Justice has not commented.