男子因向警察撒谎和将他的狗伤至安乐死点而被判处社区服务。 Man sentenced to community service for lying to police and injuring his dog to the point of euthanasia.
来自Sooke的Derek Reid在社区中被判处六个月监禁,在认罪后被处以100美元罚款,罪名是向警察撒谎,并严重伤害他的狗,导致狗被安葬。 Derek Reid from Sooke was sentenced to six months in the community and a $100 fine after pleading guilty to lying to police and causing severe injury to his dog, which led to its euthanization. 2023年9月,Reid用铁脚靴踢他的狗,当时狗在叫,导致下巴骨折。 In September 2023, Reid kicked his dog with steel-toe boots while it was barking, causing a broken jaw. 他最初对警察撒谎,声称一名陌生人用警棍攻击了狗。 He initially lied to police, claiming a stranger attacked the dog with a baton.