马来西亚讨论许可LinkedIn和其他社交媒体平台, 影响超过800万用户。 Malaysia discusses licensing LinkedIn and other social media platforms, impacting over eight million users.
马来西亚通信和多媒体委员会(MCMC)正与微软商谈许可LinkedIn公司作为马来西亚的应用服务供应商的问题。 The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is in talks with Microsoft about licensing LinkedIn as an Application Service Provider in Malaysia. LinkedIn在该国有超过800万用户。 LinkedIn has over eight million users in the country. 关于为X(原Twitter)和YouTube等其他平台发放许可证的讨论也在进行中,Meta正处于登记最后阶段。 Discussions on licensing for other platforms like X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube are also ongoing, with Meta in the final phase of registration.