凯蒂·佩里和泰勒·斯威夫特通过公开展示友谊结束他们长期的争斗。 Katy Perry and Taylor Swift end their long-standing feud with public displays of friendship.
流行明星凯蒂·佩里和泰勒·斯威夫特已经调和了他们从2014年开始与泰勒的歌《坏血》的仇斗。 Pop stars Katy Perry and Taylor Swift have reconciled their feud that began in 2014 with Taylor's song "Bad Blood." 这场冲突起因于一个误解,泰勒认为凯蒂雇用舞女破坏了她的巡演。 The conflict started over a misunderstanding where Taylor believed Katy had sabotaged her tour by hiring her dancers. 解冻始于2018年,当时凯蒂向泰勒发出了橄榄枝。 The thaw began in 2018 when Katy sent an olive branch to Taylor. 他们一起出现在泰勒的“你需要冷静下来”视频中, 凯蒂最近分享了泰勒在澳大利亚巡回演出后台的照片, They appeared together in Taylor's "You Need to Calm Down" video and Katy recently shared a photo of them backstage at Taylor's tour in Australia, expressing her love for Taylor.