英特尔的股价因收购传闻而上涨 9.5%,提振了这家在 2020 年下跌 60% 且没有首席执行官的公司。 Intel's stock jumped 9.5% on acquisition rumors, buoying a company down 60% in 2020 and without a CEO.
据SeimAccurate称,由于谣传可能由不明身份的公司收购, Intel的股票在星期五猛涨9.5%。 Intel's stock surged by up to 9.5% on Friday due to rumors of a potential acquisition by an unidentified company, according to SemiAccurate. 尽管英特尔没有证实 但谣言激发了投资者的乐观情绪 Despite no confirmation from Intel, the rumor has boosted investor optimism. 英特尔在2020年面临重大竞争,价值丧失60%,但目前没有永久首席执行官。 Intel, which has faced significant competition and lost 60% of its value in 2020, is currently without a permanent CEO. 该公司以前曾探讨过拆分铸造部门和其他战略行动,以提高其地位。 The company has previously explored splitting its foundry division and other strategic moves to improve its standing.