印度的海产食品出口超过60,000卢比,虾类增长领先,美国是最大的买家。 India's seafood exports surpass Rs 60,000 crore, with shrimp leading growth and the US as top buyer.
印度的海产食品出口在2024-25财政年度已超过60 000卢比,主要受冷冻虾的驱动,虾占出口的三分之二以上。 India's seafood exports have exceeded Rs 60,000 crore in the fiscal year 2024-25, driven largely by frozen shrimp, which accounted for over two-thirds of exports. 政府的目标是通过将虾和鱼饲料投入的关税降低到5%来进一步增加出口。 The government aims to further boost exports by reducing the customs duty on shrimp and fish feed inputs to 5%. 美国是最大的进口国,其次是中国,占印度海产食品出口总量的相当大份额。 The US is the top importer, followed by China, accounting for significant shares of India's total seafood exports.