8个非洲国家的政府宣布为各个部门提供新的赠款和资源。 Governments in eight African nations announce new grants and resources for various sectors.
马拉维、赞比亚、南非、乌干达、坦桑尼亚、尼日利亚、加纳和肯尼亚等多个非洲国家的政府和组织已宣布提供新的赠款和资源。 Governments and organizations across multiple African countries including Malawi, Zambia, South Africa, Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria, Ghana, and Kenya have announced new grants and resources. 这些资源旨在支持各个部门,但本简要概述中没有提供赠款用途和数额的具体细节。 These resources are aimed at supporting various sectors, though specific details on the grants' purposes and amounts are not provided in this brief overview.