前弗吉尼亚州政府。 Doug Wilder 美国第一位黑人州长 在国会庆祝他的94岁生日 Former Virginia Gov. Doug Wilder, the U.S.'s first Black governor, celebrated his 94th birthday at the Capitol.
前弗吉尼亚州长道格·维尔德(Doug Wilder)是美国第一位当选的黑人州长, 他在州国会庆祝94岁生日, Former Virginia Governor Doug Wilder, the first elected Black governor in the U.S., celebrated his 94th birthday at the state Capitol, marking 40 years since he was elected as Virginia's first Black lieutenant governor and 35 years since becoming governor. 议员们通过演讲向他致敬,周末包括新网站的发布和爵士音乐会。 Lawmakers honored him with speeches, and the weekend included a new website launch and a jazz concert. 怀尔德还因在建立弗吉尼亚州的马丁·路德·金假日方面的作用而受到赞誉。 Wilder is also celebrated for his role in establishing Virginia's Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.