EPFO推出在线服务,让超过7.6名乡村成员利用Aadhaar更新细节和转账账户。 EPFO launches online services letting over 7.6 crore members update details and transfer accounts using Aadhaar.
EPFO引进了新的在线服务,使超过7.6名会员可以在未经雇主批准的情况下,利用Aadhaar OTPO, 改变个人细节,在线转移EPF账户。 The EPFO has introduced new online services allowing over 7.6 crore members to change personal details and transfer EPF accounts online using Aadhaar OTP, without employer approval. 这一更新旨在精简程序,减少成员冤情,简化个人资料的更正。 This update aims to streamline processes, reduce member grievances, and simplify the correction of personal information. 这些改革旨在提高雇员更换工作或纠正其记录的效率和透明度。 The reforms are designed to enhance efficiency and transparency for employees changing jobs or correcting their records.