司机逃离后,婴儿在底特律坠机地点离开;婴儿被送往医院,受轻伤。 Baby left at crash site in Detroit after driver fled; infant taken to hospital with minor injuries.
司机徒步逃跑后,星期五晚上,在底特律发生车祸时,一名婴儿被留在了现场。 A baby was left at the scene of a car crash in Detroit on Friday evening after the driver fled on foot. 事件发生在晚上8点20分左右,地点在7英里和胡佛附近。 The incident happened around 8:20 p.m. near Seven Mile and Hoover. 婴儿被送往医院,伤势不至于致命。 The baby was taken to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. 两辆汽车,一辆是Kia轿车,另一辆是Chrysler轿车,卷入了坠机事件。 Two vehicles, a Kia sedan and a Chrysler sedan, were involved in the crash. 底特律警方正在搜寻疑犯 但没有透露有关嫌犯的进一步细节 Detroit police are searching for the suspect, but no further details about the individual have been disclosed.