澳大利亚计划对第十五大道进行10亿美元的升级改造,以缓解西悉尼新机场附近的拥堵。 Australia plans $1 billion upgrade for Fifteenth Avenue to ease congestion near new Western Sydney airport.
澳大利亚政府计划在悉尼第十五大道进行10亿美元的升级改造,以便与新的西悉尼国际机场连接,该机场定于2026年底启用。 The Australian government plans a $1 billion upgrade for Fifteenth Avenue in Sydney to connect it with the new Western Sydney International Airport, set to open late 2026. 总理安东尼·阿尔巴内斯(Anthony Albanese)和新南威尔士州总理克里斯·明斯(Chris Minns)将宣布升级,目的是缓解目前每天22 000多辆车使用的双车道道路的拥挤状况。 Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and NSW Premier Chris Minns will announce the upgrade, which aims to ease congestion on the current two-lane road used by over 22,000 vehicles daily. 该项目优于体育场的升级改造,预计将受益于到2041年预计的人口增长率达到63 000人。 The project, favored over stadium upgrades, is expected to benefit from the projected population growth to 63,000 by 2041.