19岁被判处8年徒刑,罪名是白宫受纳粹信仰驱使的卡车袭击。 19-year-old sentenced to 8 years for White House truck attack inspired by Nazi beliefs.
19岁的密苏里男子Sai Varshith Kandula于2023年5月将一辆出租卡车撞入白宫附近的障碍物,被判处8年徒刑。 A 19-year-old Missouri man, Sai Varshith Kandula, was sentenced to eight years in prison for crashing a rental truck into barriers near the White House in May 2023. 在纳粹意识形态的启发下,他发动的袭击旨在“攻击和摧毁”美国政府。 His attack, inspired by Nazi ideology, aimed to "attack and destroy" the U.S. government. Kandula对财产损坏指控认罪,自他被捕以来一直被关押。 Kandula pleaded guilty to a property damage charge and has remained in custody since his arrest. 没有找到武器、弹药或炸药,但他被诊断患有精神分裂症。 No weapons, ammunition, or explosives were found, but he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. 法官还命令他支付近57 000美元的归还款,并在监狱服刑后服刑三年,在监督下获释。 The judge also ordered him to pay nearly $57,000 in restitution and serve three years of supervised release after his prison term.