警察在康沃尔发现十万美元被盗物品 包括一座炉子后 两人面临指控 Two men face charges after cops find $100,000 in stolen goods, including a furnace, in Cornwall.
康沃尔和南格兰加里两地的两名男子在警察从康沃尔住宅追回价值约100 000美元的被盗物品(包括两个被盗炉子之一)后,每人面临6项指控。 Two men from Cornwall and South Glengarry are facing six charges each after police recovered approximately $100,000 worth of stolen goods, including one of two stolen furnaces, from a Cornwall residence. 调查是在11月19日Russell建筑工地被盗后开始的。 The investigation began after a theft at a construction site in Russell on November 19. OPP仍在寻找几件物品的合法所有者,并要求潜在的所有者与他们联系。 The OPP is still searching for the rightful owners of several items and is asking potential owners to contact them. 这两名嫌疑人定于2月20日出庭。 Both suspects are scheduled to appear in court on February 20.