2021年,两名海地记者在报道一家医院在帮派暴力中重新开业时遇害。 Two Haitian journalists were killed in 2021 while covering a hospital reopening amid gang violence.
2021年12月,包括Jimmy Jean在内的两名海地记者在报道政府试图重新开放海地最大的公立医院时遭到武装团伙的袭击,两名海地记者被打死。 Two Haitian journalists, including Jimmy Jean, were killed in December 2021 when armed gangs attacked them while they were covering the government's attempt to reopen Haiti's largest public hospital. 这次袭击还造成一名警官死亡,另外7名记者受伤,导致卫生部长被撤职,医院的重新开张被暂停。 The attack, which also left a police officer dead and seven other reporters injured, prompted the removal of the health minister and the suspension of the hospital's reopening. 政府邀请了记者,但未能确保他们的安全,导致受害者家属要求获得超过金钱补偿。 The government invited journalists but failed to ensure their safety, leading to demands for more than monetary compensation from the victims' families. Gang领导人Johnson André声称对此事负责,并称未经批准重新开业是其动机。 Gang leader Johnson André claimed responsibility, citing unauthorized reopening as the motive.