田纳西州立大学在旅行支出和政策问题上安排乐队导演休假。 Tennessee State University places band director on leave amid travel expense and policy issues.
田纳西州立大学乐队主任Reginald McDonald博士在内部审计发现差旅费和政策合规问题后,已休带薪行政假。 Tennessee State University's band director, Dr. Reginald McDonald, has been placed on paid administrative leave following an internal audit that found issues with travel expenses and policy compliance. 临时总统德韦恩·塔克 做出了保护大学未来稳定的决定 The interim president, Dwayne Tucker, made the decision to protect the university's future stability. 对这些问题的调查仍在进行中。 The investigation into these issues is ongoing.