最高法院延长了北方邦和哈里亚纳邦的灭火禁令,以打击空气污染。 Supreme Court extends firecracker ban in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana to fight air pollution.
印度最高法院延长了北方邦和哈里亚纳邦国家首都地区对鞭炮的禁令,以消除空气污染。 The Supreme Court of India has extended the ban on firecrackers in the National Capital Region of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana to combat air pollution. 法院要求这些州考虑一项永久性的禁令,类似于拉贾斯坦邦在NCR地区实行的全面禁令。 The court has asked these states to consider a permanent ban, similar to Rajasthan's complete ban in NCR areas. 法院还将审查“绿色”饼干对环境的影响,并可能发布有关其制造和分销的准则。 The court will also review the environmental impact of "green" crackers and may issue guidelines on their manufacture and distribution. 下次听证会定于3月24日举行。 The next hearing is set for March 24.