数家银行降低了在康宁的股权, 但公司却打破了收入估计, 保持了“Moderate Buy”评分。 Several banks reduced their stakes in Corning, yet the company beat earnings estimates, keeping a "Moderate Buy" rating.
一些银行和金融机构调整了在康宁公司的股权,一些银行和金融机构减少了其股份。 Several banks and financial institutions have adjusted their stakes in Corning Incorporated, with some reducing their holdings. 例如,CNB银行将其股份削减了24.9%,而顾问网金融公司则将其所有权削减了10.5%。 CNB Bank, for example, cut its stake by 24.9%, while AdvisorNet Financial Inc reduced its ownership by 10.5%. 尽管收入预测好坏参半,但Corning报告季度EPS为0.54美元,殴打分析员的估计数。 Despite mixed revenue forecasts, Corning reported a quarterly EPS of $0.54, beating analysts' estimates. 分析师将库存评为“机动购买”,协商一致的目标价格为50.77美元。 Analysts rate the stock as a "Moderate Buy" with a consensus target price of $50.77. 机构投资者和对冲基金共同拥有公司69.80%的股份。 Institutional investors and hedge funds collectively own 69.80% of the company's stock.