寻找失踪的拉斯维加斯飞行员Michael Martin 经过两周的辛勤努力后 暂停飞行 没有任何结果 Search for missing Las Vegas pilot Michael Martin suspended after two-week effort yields no results.
1 月 2 日失踪的拉斯维加斯飞行员迈克尔·马丁 (Michael Martin) 的搜寻工作在包括奈县警长办公室、内华达州国民警卫队和美国联邦航空局在内的多个机构进行了为期两周的努力后已暂停。 The search for missing Las Vegas pilot Michael Martin, who vanished on January 2nd, has been suspended after a two-week effort by multiple agencies, including the Nye County Sheriff's Office, Nevada National Guard, and FAA. 尽管使用无人驾驶飞机、直升机和地面小组进行了大量搜索,但没有发现马丁或其飞机的踪迹。 Despite extensive searches using drones, helicopters, and ground teams, no trace of Martin or his aircraft has been found. 调查仍在进行,当局将对任何新的线索采取后续行动。 The investigation remains open, and authorities will follow up on any new leads.