Lake Township 校车事故造成 3 名学生受伤;调查正在进行中。 School bus crash in Lake Township injures three students; investigation ongoing.
周三下午在莱克镇发生的一起校车事故涉及一辆载有 48 名学生的莱克当地学区校车和一辆雪佛兰 Equinox。 A school bus crash in Lake Township on Wednesday afternoon involved a Lake Local School District bus with 48 students and a Chevrolet Equinox. SUV 与停下来的公共汽车的后部相撞,造成三名学生受轻伤。 The SUV collided with the rear of the stopped bus, injuring three students with minor injuries. 俄亥俄州公路巡逻队正在调查,没有怀疑酒精或药物是因素。 The Ohio State Highway Patrol is investigating, and alcohol or drugs are not suspected as factors.