研究人员开发PLUTO,这是印度11个诊所使用的便携式机器人,用于协助各种疾病的手康复。 Researchers develop PLUTO, a portable robot aiding hand rehabilitation for various diseases, used in 11 Indian clinics.
来自IIT Madras和CMC Vellore的研究人员已经创建了PLUTO,这是一个便携式和负担得起的人工康复机器人。 Researchers from IIT Madras and CMC Vellore have created PLUTO, a portable and affordable robot for hand rehabilitation. PLUTO为中风、脊髓损伤和帕金森病等病症提供精确的治疗运动和实时反馈。 PLUTO offers precise therapeutic movements and real-time feedback for conditions like stroke, spinal cord injuries, and Parkinson's disease. 它已经在印度全国11个诊所使用,并在家中测试,它以模块化和可回收的设计来支持可持续的保健。 Already used in 11 clinics across India and tested in homes, it supports sustainable healthcare with its modular and recyclable design.