密苏里州的鹿收成在2024-2025年的狩猎季节 下降了15% 到276 262 Missouri's deer harvest drops 15% to 276,262 in the 2024-2025 hunting season.
密苏里2024-2025年的猎鹿季节结束,收获的鹿减少了15%,从前一年的326 448头下降到276 262头。 Missouri's 2024-2025 deer hunting season ended with a 15% drop in harvested deer to 276,262, down from 326,448 the previous year. 密苏里州的自然保护部门认为, 降低的原因是11月枪支季节的晚起以及果丰收, The Missouri Department of Conservation attributes the decline to a later start in the November firearms season and an abundant acorn crop, which reduced deer movement. 富兰克林,杰斐逊,和麦肯郡 领先的收成总量。 Franklin, Jefferson, and Macon counties led in harvest totals.