马拉维支持摩洛哥对撒哈拉的诉求,保证在粮食安全方面加强合作。 Malawi supports Morocco's claim to the Sahara, pledging enhanced cooperation on food security.
马拉维外交部长南希·滕博在与摩洛哥外长纳赛尔·博里塔的会谈中重申支持摩洛哥的领土完整,包括摩洛哥撒哈拉地区。 Malawi's Foreign Minister Nancy Tembo reaffirmed support for Morocco's territorial integrity, including the Moroccan Sahara region, during talks with Moroccan counterpart Nasser Bourita. 马拉维支持摩洛哥的《撒哈拉自治计划》,赞扬国王穆罕默德六世为非洲提出的倡议。 Malawi backs Morocco's Autonomy Plan for the Sahara, praising King Mohammed VI's initiatives for Africa. 两位部长承诺加强两国之间的合作,注重粮食安全并调整其在国际机构的立场。 Both ministers pledged to enhance cooperation between their countries, focusing on food security and aligning their stances in international institutions.