小凯撒因为允许青少年操作危险设备 在学校深夜加班而被罚款 Little Caesars fined for allowing teens to operate dangerous equipment and work late on school nights.
密歇根州Farmington Hills一家小凯撒公司因违反童工法被罚款26 341美元。 A Little Caesars franchise in Farmington Hills, Michigan, was fined $26,341 for violating child labor laws. 该餐馆允许未成年人操作诸如烤箱和面团搅拌机等危险设备,并允许3名15岁少年在学校晚上7点前工作。 The restaurant allowed minors to operate dangerous equipment like ovens and dough mixers, and permitted three 15-year-olds to work past 7 p.m. on school nights. 联邦法律限制16岁以下工人的工作活动和工时,以确保他们的安全并防止干扰他们的教育。 Federal laws restrict the work activities and hours of workers under 16 to ensure their safety and prevent interference with their education.