Lauren Francis因向她前男友在乔治亚的家开枪而被捕。 Lauren Francis was arrested for firing shots into her ex-boyfriend's home in Georgia.
Lauren Francis, 41岁,据称于1月10日向前男友的家开枪后,在格鲁吉亚Tybee岛被捕。 Lauren Francis, 41, was arrested in Tybee Island, Georgia, after allegedly firing shots into her ex-boyfriend's home on January 10. 警察在他的车库里发现空弹壳和弹孔。 Police found empty shell casings and bullet holes in his garage. 当局利用FLOCK摄像系统查明了Francis并指控她犯有多项罪行,包括严重攻击、鲁莽行为和在公共高速公路附近未经许可发射火器。 Using a FLOCK camera system, authorities identified Francis and charged her with multiple offenses including aggravated assault, reckless conduct, and unauthorized discharge of firearms near a public highway. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.