肯尼亚士兵,自2016年以来,一直认为已经死亡,与来自索马里人质状况的家人联系。 Kenyan soldier, thought dead since 2016, contacts family from Somali hostage situation.
一名肯尼亚国防军军官(自2016年青年党袭击以来推定已死亡)与家人联系,披露他还活着,在索马里被扣为人质。 A Kenyan Defense Forces officer, presumed dead since a 2016 Al-Shabaab attack, has contacted his family to reveal he is alive and being held hostage in Somalia. 他女儿接到一个不明号码的电话,家人现在敦促肯尼亚政府谈判释放他。 His daughter received a phone call from an unknown number, and the family now urges the Kenyan government to negotiate his release. 另一起事件发生后,一名乌干达男子在被埋葬后返回家园,该男子被推定死于车祸。 This follows another incident where a Ugandan man, presumed dead in a car accident, returned home after his burial.