印第安纳州州长提议削减700万加元的预算,用于减税和资助教育及安全。 Indiana's governor proposes $700M budget cut for tax relief and to fund education, safety.
印第安纳州州长Mike Braun提出了预算,旨在削减7亿美元的国家支出,为税收减免以及教育和公共安全等优先领域提供资金。 Indiana Governor Mike Braun has proposed a budget that aims to cut $700 million in state spending to fund tax relief and priority areas like education and public safety. 关键方面包括国家机构预算削减5%,教师最低薪金为45 000美元,以及税收减免,如取消小费税和退休收入税。 Key aspects include a 5% reduction in state agency budgets, a minimum teacher salary of $45,000, and tax breaks such as eliminating taxes on tips and retirement income. 预算还计划增加K-12资金,取消儿童照料等候名单,但因削减卫生资金和不解决通货膨胀对教育预算的影响而面临批评。 The budget also plans to increase K-12 funding and eliminate the child care waitlist, but faces criticism for cutting health funding and not addressing inflation's impact on education budgets.