哈勃释放出25亿像素的Androomeda光摩萨, 揭示出其丰富的恒星形成史。 Hubble releases a 2.5 billion-pixel photomosaic of Andromeda, revealing its rich star formation history.
美国宇航局的哈勃太空望远镜已经发布了安德罗米达星系最大的图像, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has released the largest photomosaic of the Andromeda galaxy, capturing 200 million stars over a decade. 与银河系相比,安朵美达的恒星形成史比银河系更为活跃, 这可能是由于与小星系的相互作用。 This detailed image reveals Andromeda's more active star formation history compared to the Milky Way, likely due to interactions with smaller galaxies. 覆盖25亿像素的马赛克将有助于了解银河系的过去并支持未来的空间望远镜研究。 The mosaic, covering 2.5 billion pixels, will aid in understanding the galaxy's past and support future space telescope studies.