以揭露公司欺诈而闻名的兴登堡研究公司(Hindenburg Research)由于创始人内特·安德森(Nate Anderson)的个人原因而关闭。 Hindenburg Research, known for exposing corporate fraud, is closing down due to founder Nate Anderson's personal reasons.
以揭露公司欺诈而闻名的美国公司兴登堡研究公司(Hindenburg Research)即将关闭。 Hindenburg Research, a U.S. firm known for exposing corporate fraud, is shutting down. 创始人 Nate Anderson 引用了个人原因,包括工作的强度,做出了这个决定。 Founder Nate Anderson cited personal reasons, including the intensity of the work, for the decision. 兴登堡因举报阿达尼集团和 Nikola 等公司而声名鹊起,导致重大股票损失和法律诉讼。 Hindenburg gained fame for reports against companies like the Adani Group and Nikola, leading to significant stock losses and legal actions. 尽管有猜测,但安德森并没有将关闭与外部威胁或健康问题联系起来。 Despite speculation, Anderson did not link the closure to external threats or health issues. 该公司计划在未来六个月内记录其调查方法。 The firm plans to document its investigative methods over the next six months.