Greta Gerwig的“Narnia”电影首映于IMAX剧院2026年感恩节, Greta Gerwig's "Narnia" film premieres in IMAX theaters Thanksgiving 2026, then streams on Netflix Christmas Day.
Greta Gerwig对《纳尼亚纪事》的改编将在2026年感恩节开始为期两周的独家IMAX运行, Greta Gerwig's adaptation of "The Chronicles of Narnia" will have a two-week exclusive IMAX run starting on Thanksgiving Day 2026, before streaming on Netflix on Christmas Day. 这部影片将在全球1000多个剧院发行, 标志着Netflix的罕见戏剧发行。 The film, set to release in over 1,000 theaters globally, marks a rare theatrical release for Netflix. Gerwig导演了2023年最顶尖的电影《Barbie》, 被Netflix雇用于2020年指导Narnia适应计划。 Gerwig, who directed the highest-grossing film of 2023, "Barbie," was hired by Netflix to direct the Narnia adaptation in 2020. 这部电影以C. S. 为基础 The film is based on C.S. 刘易斯的书系列 将是对经典故事的新鲜印象 Lewis's book series and will be a fresh take on the classic stories.