65岁的“Grand Designs”东道主Kevin McCloud因自由职业和缺乏养老金而面临财政不确定性。 "Grand Designs" host Kevin McCloud, 65, faces financial uncertainty due to freelance work and lack of pension.
Kevin McCloud是自1990年代以来65岁的“Grand Developments”的收藏家,他由于自由职业者的身份而分享了经济关切,这意味着他不会领取退休金。 Kevin McCloud, the 65-year-old host of "Grand Designs" since the 1990s, has shared his financial concerns due to his freelance status, which means he won't receive a pension. McCloud在第四频道工作了25年,在即将退休时,他必须谨慎对待自己的财务。 McCloud, who has enjoyed a 25-year career with Channel 4, must be cautious with his finances as he nears retirement. 他还指出,Covid和Brexit等事件造成的市场变化影响了节目的项目。 He also noted that market changes due to events like Covid and Brexit have affected the show's projects.