四名嫌疑人,包括19岁的Juwon Poole,在Jefferson县的一场汽车追逐结束后被捕。 Four suspects, including 19-year-old Juwon Poole, were arrested after a car chase ending in Jefferson County.
四名嫌疑人,包括19岁的Juwon Poole,在Jefferson县被偷车辆追逐后被捕,最后在West Valley Avenue发生车祸。 Four suspects, including 19-year-old Juwon Poole, were arrested after a stolen vehicle chase in Jefferson County that ended with a crash on West Valley Avenue. Poole面临包括接收被盗财产和轻率危害在内的指控。 Poole faces charges including receiving stolen property and reckless endangerment. 正在对两名嫌疑人申请试图逃避和拒捕的逮捕令,对一名16岁者的指控正在等待审理。 Warrants for attempting to elude and resisting arrest are being sought for two suspects, and charges for a 16-year-old are pending. 都用手枪找到,其中两把枪被盗。 All were found with handguns, two of which were stolen.