四个人在Fairfield被捕 一次交通阻塞 发现毒品,现金, 和偷来的枪支。 Four people were arrested in Fairfield after a traffic stop uncovered drugs, cash, and a stolen gun.
在Fairfield, 1月14日交通中断导致四人被捕, 因为警方发现了可卡因、现金和一把偷来的手枪。 In Fairfield, a traffic stop on January 14th led to the arrest of four individuals after police found cocaine, cash, and a stolen handgun. Bryan Daffin、Nicole Taylor、David Bardsley和Jennifer Alley被指控犯有各种毒品罪行,Daffin还面临与枪支有关的指控。 Bryan Daffin, Nicole Taylor, David Bardsley, and Jennifer Alley were charged with various drug offenses, with Daffin also facing gun-related charges. 这些逮捕是在搜查他们的车辆和一个当地住宅之后发生的。 The arrests followed searches of their vehicle and a local home. 嫌疑犯应于4月中旬出庭。 The suspects are due in court in mid-April.