前肯塔基州警长Mickey Stines对谋杀地区法官Kevin Mullins表示不认罪。 Former Kentucky Sheriff Mickey Stines pleads not guilty to murder of District Judge Kevin Mullins.
前肯塔基州警长米奇·斯廷斯(Mickey Stines)通过监狱视频出庭, 因去年枪击地区法官凯文·穆林斯(Kevin Mullins)而面临谋杀罪指控。 Former Kentucky Sheriff Mickey Stines appeared in court via video from jail, facing a murder charge for the shooting of District Judge Kevin Mullins last year. Stines不认罪,他的律师打算要求举行保释听证会。 Stines pleaded not guilty, and his attorneys plan to request a bond hearing. 如果对他定罪,案件可能导致死刑审判。 The case may lead to a death penalty trial if he is convicted. 辩方还在寻求 Stines 的心理能力评估。 The defense is also seeking a mental competency evaluation for Stines. 枪击背后的动机仍未披露,但 Stines 和 Mullins 彼此认识。 The motive behind the shooting remains undisclosed, though Stines and Mullins knew each other.