佛罗里达州州长德桑蒂斯任命司法部长阿什利·穆迪接替参议院的马科·鲁比奥。 Florida Governor DeSantis appoints Attorney General Ashley Moody to replace Marco Rubio in the Senate.
佛罗里达州长罗恩·德桑提斯已任命阿什利·穆迪为总检察长,接替即将卸任的参议员马科·鲁比奥在美国参议院任职。 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has appointed Attorney General Ashley Moody to replace outgoing Senator Marco Rubio in the U.S. Senate. 卢比奥将离职,在当选总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的领导下担任国务卿。 Rubio is leaving to serve as Secretary of State under President-elect Donald Trump. Moody是保守的共和党和前联邦检察官,将填补该席位,直到2026年大选为止。 Moody, a conservative Republican and former federal prosecutor, will fill the seat until the 2026 general election. Moody是第二位在美国参议院代表佛罗里达的妇女。 This marks Moody as the second woman to represent Florida in the U.S. Senate. DeSantis还宣布他的参谋长James Uthmeier将取代Moody担任总检察长。 DeSantis also announced his chief of staff, James Uthmeier, will replace Moody as Attorney General.