CBS将“NCIS:悉尼”第2季首映推迟至2月7日, CBS postpones "NCIS: Sydney" Season 2 premiere to February 7 due to scheduling changes.
CBS将“NCIS:悉尼”第二季首映从1月31日至2月7日8/7c推迟至2月7日, CBS has postponed the premiere of "NCIS: Sydney" Season 2 from January 31 to February 7 at 8/7c, due to scheduling a different program in the original timeslot. 该节目以 NCIS 特工 Michelle Mackey 和 JD 警长在悉尼打击犯罪为特色,将首播 10 集新剧集,大部分原班人马回归。 The show, featuring NCIS Agent Michelle Mackey and Sergeant JD tackling crimes in Sydney, will debut 10 new episodes with most of the original cast returning. 新季节将通过Paramount+提供现场直播和点播节目。 The new season will be available to stream live and on-demand via Paramount+.