在俄亥俄州Twinsburg,周四早些时候,一辆汽车在希兹起火,未报告有人受伤。 A car caught fire at a Sheetz in Twinsburg, Ohio, early Thursday, with no reported injuries.
一辆汽车在俄亥俄州双斯堡的希兹加油站着火, 周四清晨, A car caught fire at a Sheetz gas station in Twinsburg, Ohio, early Thursday morning, just after pulling up to a pump. 雇员关闭了燃料泵,打了911电话;消防员赶来灭火,没有报告有人受伤。 Employees shut off the fuel pumps and called 911; firefighters arrived and put out the fire with no reported injuries. 受影响的泵将保持服务状态,等待检查。 The affected pump will remain out of service pending inspection. 火灾的起因不明。 The cause of the fire is unknown.