加拿大投资1.17亿加元,用于解决不列颠哥伦比亚阳光海岸的水危机,为抗旱建设水库。 Canada invests $117M to resolve water crisis on BC's Sunshine Coast, building reservoirs for drought relief.
加拿大联邦政府正在投资1.17亿加元,以应对不列颠哥伦比亚省阳光海岸因干旱造成的严重水危机。 The Canadian federal government is investing $117 million to tackle the severe water crisis on British Columbia's Sunshine Coast due to drought. 这些资金将更新现有的水处理厂,并为查普曼溪流域建造两个大型储水库,向大约76%的居民供水。 The funds will upgrade the existing water treatment plant and construct two large-scale storage reservoirs for the Chapman Creek watershed, which supplies water to around 76% of residents. 该项目由Shishhalh部落和地区区牵头,旨在确保干旱期间更可靠的供水。 The project, led by the Shishalh Nation and the regional district, aims to ensure a more reliable water supply during drought periods.