生日派对在墨尔本的争吵变得致命; 两名23岁和54岁的亲戚被刺死。 Birthday party brawl in Melbourne turns fatal; two relatives, ages 23 and 54, stabbed to death.
一个家庭在墨尔本的克莱德北区 举行生日派对争吵后正在哀悼, 这场争吵演变成死亡。 A family is mourning after a birthday party brawl in Clyde North, Melbourne, turned fatal. 1月16日下午9点30分, 一场20人战斗爆发, 导致一名23岁及54岁孩童被刺死, On January 16 at 9:30 pm, a 20-person fight broke out, leading to the stabbing deaths of a 23-year-old and a 54-year-old, who were closely related. 尽管进行了医疗治疗,但两名受害者在现场死亡。 Despite medical treatment, both victims died at the scene. 警长珍妮特·史蒂文森敦促攻击者站出来,呼吁证人或有录像的证人与犯罪制止者联系。 Superintendent Janet Stevenson is urging the attackers to come forward and appealing for witnesses or those with footage to contact Crime Stoppers. 在家中已经确定了一个犯罪现场。 A crime scene has been established at the home.