班吉·拉瓦尔晋升为西南地区警察副监察主任,接替西尔维斯特·阿拉比。 Banji Lawal promoted to Deputy Inspector General of Police for South West region, succeeding Sylvester Alabi.
警务委员会已将Banji Lawal助理监察长晋升为西南地区警察副监察主任,接替12月31日退休的Sylvester Alabi。 The Police Service Commission has promoted Assistant Inspector General Banji Lawal to Deputy Inspector General of Police for the South West region, succeeding Sylvester Alabi who retired on December 31. 以前负责边境巡逻的Lawal担任过各种职务,包括在Ikeja的警察培训学院任职。 Lawal, previously in charge of Border Patrol, has served in various roles including at the Police Training College in Ikeja. 委员会祝贺Lawal获得任命,并敦促他为警察管理团队作出有效贡献。 The commission congratulated Lawal on his appointment and urged him to contribute effectively to the police management team.