女演员Lacey Turner, 以“东德”闻名, 与丈夫Matt Kay欢迎她第三个孩子, 一个女婴。 Actress Lacey Turner, known for "EastEnders," welcomed her third child, a baby girl, with husband Matt Kay.
EastEnders女演员Lacey Turner与丈夫Matt Kay欢迎她的第三个孩子,一个女婴。 EastEnders actress Lacey Turner has welcomed her third child, a baby girl, with husband Matt Kay. 特纳以饰演斯泰西·斯莱特 (Stacey Slater) 而闻名,她已经有一个女儿 Dusty 和一个儿子 Trilby。 Turner, known for her role as Stacey Slater, already has a daughter, Dusty, and a son, Trilby. 她在Instagram上分享了全家的照片,包括她年纪较大的孩子亲吻新生儿。 She shared the news on Instagram with photos of the family, including her older children kissing the newborn. Turner和Kay从15岁起就在一起了 这次分娩是继前几次流产而来 Turner and Kay have been together since they were 15, and this birth follows previous struggles with miscarriages. EastEnders共同明星祝贺新父母。 EastEnders co-stars congratulated the new parents.