AAP领导人Kejriwal提议为学生提供50%的德里地铁折扣,如果连选连任,可免费搭乘公交车。 AAP leader Kejriwal proposes 50% Delhi Metro discount for students, free buses if re-elected.
Aam Aadmi党(AAP)领袖Arvind Kejriwal写信给总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi), 提议在德里地铁票价上给予学生50%的折扣, 由德里政府和中央政府分享。 Arvind Kejriwal, leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposing a 50% discount on Delhi Metro fares for students, to be shared between the Delhi and Central governments. Kejriwal还计划,如果AAP在2月5日的德里选举中重新掌权,为学生提供免费公共汽车搭乘。 Kejriwal also plans to provide free bus rides for students if AAP returns to power in the Delhi elections on February 5. 这些提案旨在降低学生的交通成本。 These proposals aim to reduce transportation costs for students.