Zerodha警告新骗局, 诈骗者借手机进行未经授权的交易。 Zerodha warns of a new scam where scammers borrow phones to make unauthorized transactions.
金融服务业公司Zerodha警告新骗局, 诈骗者要求借手机接紧急电话, Zerodha, a financial services company, has warned about a new scam where scammers ask to borrow phones for emergency calls but use the phones to make unauthorized transactions and drain bank accounts. 骗局针对的是那些分散注意力或不太熟悉技术的人。 The scam targets those who are distracted or less familiar with technology. Zerodha建议不要借出电话,提供拨号并保持扬声器,并经常检查和禁用电话传送等功能,以防发生此类骗局。 Zerodha advises not to lend phones, offer to dial numbers and keep speaker mode on, and frequently check and disable features like call forwarding to protect against such scams.