研究发现,穿戴技术可以预测炎症肠道疾病爆发的时间 提前七个星期 Wearable tech can predict inflammatory bowel disease flare-ups up to seven weeks ahead, study finds.
西奈山的研究人员发现,苹果监视器和菲比特等可穿戴装置可以通过监测心率变化、氧气水平和活动,提前七个星期预测炎性肠道疾病(IBD)的爆发。 Mount Sinai researchers have discovered that wearable devices like Apple Watches and Fitbits can predict flare-ups in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) up to seven weeks in advance by monitoring heart rate variability, oxygen levels, and activity. 这份研究报告发表在《肠胃病学》中,它表明穿戴器可以改变慢性病的管理方式,并有可能使早期干预成为可能。 This study, published in Gastroenterology, suggests wearables could transform how chronic diseases are managed, potentially allowing for earlier intervention. 研究人员还在探索其他慢性发炎疾病的类似应用。 Researchers are also exploring similar applications for other chronic inflammatory diseases.