两位朋友星期天在德里卡纳尔路(GT Karnal Road)的车祸中丧生; Two friends died in a car crash early Sunday on GT Karnal Road in Delhi; police are investigating.
两名朋友Kartik和Yashraj于1月16日凌晨在德里的GT Karnal路车祸中身亡。 Two friends, Kartik and Yashraj, died in a car crash on GT Karnal Road in Delhi early on January 16th. 他们的SUV在凌晨3点10分左右被推翻,尽管他们被赶到SRHC医院,但他们仍因伤势过重而死亡。 Their SUV overturned around 3:10 am, and despite being rushed to SRHC hospital, they succumbed to their injuries. 警方登记了FIR,并正在调查事故原因,扣押受损车辆进行检查。 The police have registered an FIR and are investigating the cause of the accident, with the damaged vehicle seized for examination. 尸体在BJRM医院尸房供验尸,当局正在寻找目击者。 The bodies are at BJRM Hospital Mortuary for post-mortem, and authorities are seeking eyewitnesses.